I’m a huge sports fan who grew up in Seattle and graduated from Washington State University (Go Cougs!). My interest in helmets started in the 1970s when we would buy the 25 cent gumball helmets, the ones with the stickers on each side with the white facemask, from the machines in the grocery store.
Now, fast forward to the early 2000s and that collection is long gone but through eBay I was able to not only find the old gumball helmets but the newest and latest version that had replaced the original gumball helmets, the pocket pro. While Riddell was producing some pocket pro helmets (current NFL teams plus some throwbacks, major conference college teams, and CFL), there were people on eBay who were customizing helmets to make versions that Riddell wasn’t producing. That's when I met Klaus Gebhard, Jr., who I’ve been working with since 2003 to make every version of every team across many leagues including NFL, FBS, CFL, USFL, WFL, XFL, NFLE, WLAF, AAF and others. I have over 6000 pocket pro helmets! Klaus was initially responsible for doing all the research across college and all professional leagues to determine what helmets to make. His research sleuthing to find pictures is second to none! And of course the quality of his pocket pros is outstanding. This site would not be developed without all of Klaus' research and knowledge that is the foundation of what you see today. I also added a second producer and researcher for college helmets who has been making all of the helmets since 2017. What I wanted to do with this website is to share the knowledge and pictures we have collected to build a historical view of each teams’ helmet history, all through pictures. I have so many people to thank who have been great resources. First I want to acknowledge four websites. Helmet Hut The Helmet Project (nationalchamps.net) The Gridiron Uniform Database (gridiron-uniforms.com) Gridiron Garb Helmet Hut has some great pictures and interesting stories on individual helmets. The Helmet Project is an incredible resource to look at what was worn post 1960 in graphical form. It is a great starting point for any research. The Gridiron Uniform Database is all about the NFL and was an invaluable resource to document and confirm what was worn in every NFL game. Gridiron Garb was a helpful resource for elusive Ivy League pictures. There are many individuals who have reached out and provided information on their team. Arizona State @asu_uniformity Memphis @chiefsums Florida @GatorsUnis Tennessee @CfieldsVFL UCF @ByCASimmons Alabama @PrideOfTheTide Michigan State @SPARTANTIQUES Ivy League @BrooksDallas Thank you to everyone who helps make this a better site! I am missing a few pictures or don’t have the best quality for some so if you have any that can fill a gap, please contact me. |